Indonesian National Standards
SNI 03-2399-2002
(REVISED SNI 03-2399-1991)
This ordinance covers, the requirements that apply to indoor toilet facilities are located in dense residential location, with maximum usage load 200 people.
The procedure is intended as a guide for planners and implementers in building public toilets. Public toilets are public facilities that is shared by several families for bathing, washing and toilet location of settlements with a population with moderate to high density (300-500 persons / ha).
General requirements Toilets divided into 3 (three), namely: a. Public toilets development plan (location, number of users, clean water system, waste water disposal systems); b. ability of facilities management; c. Water management of waste from toilets and public toilets should be treated before disposal so as not to pollute water, air and land in settlements.
For the capacity of services, all in one room can accommodate a service at the time (hours) and number of the busiest room in every single unit restroom for a certain number of users listed in the table and sample layouts toilets can be seen in the images in this ordinance. Building Materials for public toilets, the material can be used are: local building materials; ease of providers of building materials, easy to implement, can be accepted by the user community. Alternative use of building materials for building latrines can be selected from tabil 2, in this ordinance. Terms bathroom includes floor area of at least 1.2 m2 (1.0 mx 1.2 m) and made no slippery slope toward the hole with the disposal of approximately 1%.; Door, size: width 0.6 to 0.8 and at least 1.6 m. high; bath / shower water container vessel equipped to scoop. Facility washrooms, minimum floor area of 2.40 m2 (1.20 m x 2.0 m) and made no slippery slope toward the hole where the disposal of approximately 1%; Places crush clothing made by squatting or standing, high-place crush clothing by standing 0.75 m above the floor with at least size 0.60 m x 0.80 m.
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