Outbreaks of Insects: Caterpillars Attack of Probolinggo Population and Surrounding Villages

Thursday, April 7, 2011

From : http://news.okezone.com (March 28, 2011)

Outbreaks of caterpillar in Probolinggo - Thousands of caterpillars attacking Probolinggo, East Java, even up to about 10 villages in Probolinggo who get an attack of this caterpillar. Caterpillars of this feather that fell from the trees because the leaves are out and eventually broke into the homes residents. Residents feel very anxious about the outbreak of caterpillars in Probolinggo who attacked their village. There have been many residents who become victims of this hair caterpillars, many of which suffer from the itching that is caused by caterpillar hairs are poisonous. Flying feathers attached to the skin it will cause intense itching of torture. Citizens expect local government to intervene to overcome problems such caterpillars.

One of the interviewed residents who had had time to comment, he must clean the house from plague of caterpillars is at least 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. Because the residents do not want the worm into the house, so they must be willing to clean up its own garden walls and even those who have thousands of these caterpillars. They clean sweep by the caterpillars are then burn it, so that the caterpillar hairs are not flying around and making people itch.

SURABAYA - Efforts to eradicate caterpillars that attack Probolinggo seems to have reached its climax. Because the Agriculture Department said the East Java overwhelmed spraying pesticides to eradicate the caterpillars in Probolinggo.

"Spraying pesticides already on the threshold of economic value. Because of the scope of the affected area was too broad," said Wibowo Eko Putro Head of East Java Agricultural Department when contacted www.okezone.com, on Saturday (April, 2 2011).

Wibowo said, to control caterpillars in Probolinggo can not solely rely on spraying alone. Because the scope is too broad, so if you have to do the spraying of the cost involved would be enormous.

Preferably, said Wibowo to areas that have not been attacked by caterpillars, it is suggested that cleaning up the environment around the mango tree.

"One way is to burn the dirt around the mango tree to maintain damp. Because of this damp areas suitable for development of caterpillars," said Wiboowo.
Insect Expert: Attack Worm Feather Not Dangerous
PROBOLINGGO-attack hundreds of thousands of caterpillars in 60 villages in several districts in Probolinggo, East Java, in the past week are not considered dangerous, but the caterpillar hairs can cause itching. Powerful way to eradicate the caterpillars are quite environmentally friendly insecticide spraying so as not to endanger the environment and surrounding residents.

According to Dr Kismiyati, entomologis from Airlangga University Surabaya, now that attacks caterpillars Probolinggo residents have been examined at the Laboratory of Parasitology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University Surabaya.

The lecturer of faculty of veterinary students assisted with laboratory tests caterpillars obtained from Probolinggo that had been made anxious residents.

While laboratory results showed that caterpillars attacked dozens of villages in Probolinggo is a type of caterpillar that ordinary and harmless. Next caterpillar will become a butterfly. Due to erratic weather butterfly growth becomes too late.

Kismiyati said the caterpillars like to stick to the mango tree and citizens must be vigilant despite Bulut caterpillars are harmless because the caterpillar hairs can cause itching if contact with skin.
Various kinds of ways to anticipate pest caterpillars in eight districts in Probolinggo, East Java. One was done by spread of bird of prey caterpillars.

The release of thousands of birds of prey caterpillars was carried out by dozens of citizens who care about the environment in Probolinggo. They release thousands of birds from the square Probolinggo.

Monitoring at the site on Sunday (03/04/2011), approximately a thousand birds of prey predatory caterpillar species Cendet, Kutilang, Pipit, Ulak-Ulak and Cekrucuk released the environmentalists activists.

The purpose of the release of predatory birds of prey caterpillars is to inhibit the development of caterpillar populations in recent attacks in eight districts in the area of Probolinggo.

This caterpillar pest caused damage to natural ecosystems that result in insect populations are not balanced. A number of related offices such as how to do the spraying caterpillars but not much help.


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