Advancement of science and technology is growing rapidly in various fields, including in food sector, these technological advances bring both positive and negative. The positive impact of these technologies can improve the quantity and quality of food, also increases diversification, hygiene, sanitation, practical and more economical. The negative impact of these technological advances were large enough for the health of consumers by the use of harmful additives. The way of life today is characterized by the high cost of living, emancipation or for some other reason causing the woman to work outside the home. Statistical data in 2002 showed that women who work in the labor force totaled 33.06 million or 44.23% of the total number of women aged between 15-60 years. Women as housewives and others by profession working outside the home, due to limited time and busy, and the difficulty of finding maids causing fast food becomes the main menu daily at home. The rhythm of life that demands all things fast-paced, time-limited, the child must go to school while the mother and father should immediately go to work, as a shortcut for breakfast then fast food provided that the preparation takes 3 to 5 minutes. During the day home from school, mother and father still work at the office, the kids come back to enjoy this fast food. In addition to this easy to prepare foods generally have a savory taste and is generally preferred, especially by children of school age. Another problem in the community so the phenomenon was the availability of packaged snacks that can be ascertained "rich" additive. Recorded 13 kinds of snacks containing additives is high enough. The question that arises is the extent to which such additive materials consumed and accumulated in the body, how the impact of health? And how the actions of consumers, especially the mother-housewife in choosing, safe food processing, hygienic, well-nourished and healthy family members? Fast Food Fast food in question is the type of foods that are packed, easy to prepare, practical, or treated with a simple way. These foods are generally produced by the food processing industry with high technology and provide a variety of additives to preserve and give flavor to the product. Fast food is usually in the form of side dishes in the packaging, instant noodles, nuggets, or even corn flakes as food for breakfast. Substances Food Additives Additives are chemicals that are mixed into the food with the aim of improving quality, adding a sense of freshness and solidify the product. Food packaging Food packaging is the container or the food to the food quality remains good, improve product performance, and ease of transportation. Healthy Healthy functioning of body organs are physiologically normal. In food consumption from the consumers not only evaluate the flavor and nutritional value but also consider the influence of food on health and fitness, or reduce the negative effects of an illness, and if possible to cure the disease. Types of Packaging Materials and Food Additives According to Majeed (1996) these additives can be divided into several groups based on their intended use, namely: 1) agent emulsion additive that is made from fat and water for example lecithin 2) stabilizing agent and pemekat eg alginate and glycerin, 3) barrier agents crust to prevent clumping , 4) agents increased nutrients eg vitamins, 5) agents for example preservatives nitrate and nitrite salts, 6) an antioxidant agent eg vitamins C and E; BHT (Butylated Hydroxy-toluene) and BHA (Butylated Hydroxy-anisole), 7) agent developer for bread and cake, 8) flavoring agent example monosodium glutamate (MSG), 9) dye. In addition to the above additives Denfer ninth (2001) also stated there are other ingredients are added in the diet include: 1) laxative agent, 2) animal fat, 3) marinade ingredients, 4) material separator, 5) modified starch, 6) alcohol, and 7) gelatin. In addition to the materials mentioned above involving the use, size and the rules have been determined according to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), which we should be aware of is the presence of dyes and preservatives that are added are not for food use such as, borak and formalin as a preservative that has been reported by Suriawiria (2003). Where 86.2% wet noodle was allegedly found in the market and supermarkets contain formalin. The color red in the paste 50% is using Rhodamin B dye that should be used for textiles. In addition Rhodamin also commonly given in syrup to create a red color. Packaging Food Ready to Eat Until now, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Packaging Federation in Indonesia Hengky Darmawan new packaging system 10% of the corresponding rules of SNI. The selection must consider the type of food-grade packaging and food safety (Kompas, 2003). Several factors affect manufacturers in selecting packaging is to look nice, can protect the packaged product, and economic considerations. Materials used for this form of plastic or Styrofoam (packing instant noodles and nuggets), PVC (polyvinyl clorida for wrapping confectionery), cans (food fruit, milk, food side dishes). Impact of Fast Food Benefits Fast Food Eating fast food is outstanding at this time recorded 500-600 types (Media Indonesia, 2003). This type consists of beverages and foods that are produced in small and large scale. The availability of fast food, this will allow the selection of foods, food variety, food quality and practical. Danger Fast Food World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) states that the potential threat of food residues on human health is divided into 3 categories, namely: 1) toxicological aspects, categories of food residues that can be toxic to the organs of the body, 2) aspects of microbiology, microbes in food ingredients that can upset the balance of microbes in the digestive tract, 3) imunopatologis aspect, the presence of residues that can lower immunity. Negative impact on the health of these additives may directly or indirectly, in the short and long term. Efforts to Minimize Negative Impact To reduce and minimize the negative impacts of food additives can be attempted in several ways, among others: 1. Internally Reduce consumption of prepared foods, increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits as well as taking vitamins. Some vitamins thought to contain substances antikarsinogen include Vitamins A, C, E found in many vegetables and fruits; folic acid found in broccoli, spinach and asparagus: Beta-carotene, Vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin D in the active form (1.25-hydroxy) there in butter, milk, egg yolks, liver, rice and fish. Giving meaning to the family about the dangers of additives, supervise, control, administration and use of spending money and getting used to bring food from home healthy 2. in External Producers; necessary awareness and responsibility of manufacturers toward the use of food additives are produced, providing clear information, including the composition of food additives that are added Government; exercise supervision and crack down on manufacturers who violate the rules and regulations. Continue the activities of PMT-AS (Supplementary Food Program-School Children) by making use of local food sources. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs); facilitate the formation of consumer groups, encourage community participation as a watchdog of public policy, global policy anticipates that impact on consumers, to supervise and act as a defender of consumers
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