Curcuma domestica

Thursday, April 14, 2011

from :
Local name: Kunir; Kunyir; Koneng; Kunyet; Yellow; Kuneh

Description of plants: Plants trunked wet, to 0.75 m high, oval-shaped leaves, red compound interest or pink. This annual herbaceous plant to produce key-shaped tuber roots are dark yellow or orange light. Perbanyakannya with chicks

Habitat: Grows in fields and in forests, especially in teak forests. Many are also grown in perkarangan. can grow at low altitude 2000 m asl

Plant parts used: rhizome

Chemical Ingredients: Tumeron; Zingiberon; Seskuiterpena alcohol; Curcumin; Substance bitter; Fat Hars; Vitamin C

Benefits: Kholagog; Stomakik; Antispasmodik; Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial; Kholeretik

Simplesia Name: Rhizoma Curcumae domesticae

Traditional recipe:

Wounds and ringworm

Turmeric rhizome 1 finger; leaves 1 handful acid; Water slightly, crushed, Stick it on the wound and changed every 3 hours


Turmeric 1 / 2 finger; Rasuk wind 1 / 2 teaspoon; Coriander 3 seeds, wood fruit ules 1 seed; Trawas leaves 1 piece, mix ground, plus 115 ml water and boiled, then filtered, Taken in the morning and afternoon, every time drink 100 ml

Menstrual pain

Turmeric rhizome 1 finger; Coriander 7 points; Cloves 1 point; Acid kawak; Seeds of nutmeg, mix ground, plus 110 ml water, and boiled, then filtered, Taken 1 times a day 100 ml

Stomach ache

Turmeric fingers burned 1; Bark pulosari 1 finger; Coriander 7 seeds, whole plants patikan china 1 handful; 1 cup water, mix ground; added water and boiled to obtain a cup; filtered, Infants aged 5-7 months; 1 tsp / hours; Children aged 1-2 years; taken 2 times a day; 2 tablespoons; Adult; drink 3 times a day; 1 / 2 cup


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